Jeep Stuff
Okay. The Jeep is back together. Wednesday on the way in to drop Nathan off in the morning, we had a slight "vibration". Thought it might be ice or something throwing the wheel out of balance. No such luck. Thought it was a u-joint. Nope. After leaving it and getting picked up for a ride in, we discovered after trailering it, that it was studs shearing off on the right front wheel. Seems that the prior owner put spacers in when they put slightly larger than stock tires on, and that left less stud to hold on to. At any rate. We have new rotors, brake pads, and studs on that side, and the spacers are out for now. When the new LONG studs arrive, I can put the spacers back in, but I might just go without. At any rate. We're good to go for now. Glad it didn't shear them all off with the 2 of us in the Jeep!