WHAT: Beer tasting WHERE: Young's house. (Pelican Pub) WHEN: Saturday, May 2nd at 5:30 (it's also Kentucky Derby Day , Ladies, wear hats if at all possible) WHO: You, of course! We will grill whatever you bring . Bring something else to munch on if you like. (This is Glen's deal, so it's a basic "beer, meat, chips" type event) It's best to be prompt so you can sample all the beers. This is not a "kill the keg" :') event, but make sure to bring enough for everyone to taste. Prior events have taught us to drink homebrew in moderation. (Modern venitilation has yet to catch up to noxious fume output when mass consumption occurs.) Other commercial beer varieties are welcome so we can see how we stack up against them. The Medearis Brewing Company will be represented, but the brewmaster will be out fishing during this event. (We encourage the head beer wench to attend in his stead.) Update: She RSVP'd and is coming! Hazzah! She also corrected my...